Stephanie Bishop, Ph.D.
Stephanie Bishop obtained a Ph.D. in analytical chemistry at the University of British Columbia Okanagan, in Kelowna, Canada. She studied the effects of different environments and ecosystems on cyanobacterial growth and metabolism, with a focus on lake systems in Canada and South America. Using a targeted metabolomics approach, she validated analytical techniques to quantify levels of non-protein amino acids in cyanobacteria and other organisms. In a recent project, she collected samples of traditional cyanobacteria-based foods from South America to perform nutritional and toxicology analyses of these important protein sources for people in this region. She is currently a Post Doctoral Fellowship at the University of Calgary, where she will use metabolomics approaches to better understand the role of metabolism in infections. Her research interests include plant and bacterial chemistry, chromatography, and mass spectrometry. Outside the lab, you can find Stephanie trekking around the beautiful places she has lived and visited!